The Fighting System of the World’s Undisputed King of MMA
by Fedor Emelianenko, Erich Krauss, Glen Cordoza, Fedor Emelianenko
- Language: english
- ISBN: 9780977731541 (0977731545)
- Publisher: Victory Belt Publishing
- Release date: September 5, 2008
- Author: Fedor Emelianenko, Erich Krauss, Glen Cordoza, Fedor Emelianenko
- Format: paperback, 270 pages
About The Book
In Fedor, the undefeated, undisputed heavyweight MMA champion of the world unveils for the first time his trademark striking and grappling techniques through descriptive narrative and more than 2500 step-by-step color photographs. Detailing dozens of throws, punching combinations, cardio workouts and ground and pound techniques, this book leaves no stone unturned.
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